Gabrielle Gilbert


The most profound beauty emerges from the ashes of destruction. And by that, I mean that sometimes you have to burn your life to the ground in order to experience the life that is truly 
meant for you.

(Julia Fox, 2023)
About the Artist
        Gabrielle (Gabby) Gilbert grew up around Richmond, Virginia and loved art for as long as she could hold a pencil. She is an interdisciplinary designer and craft maker who specializes in graphic art, poster design, zines, and textile creations. She was awarded the Virginia Merit Scholarship and attended Virginia Commonwealth University, where she earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design in May of 2024. 
        During her studies, she was apart of a exhibition called To Keep You Warm in 2022. The exhibition was a collaborative project of peers to design and create quilts that were donated to patients in palliative care at the VCU Massey Cancer Center following the closing of the show.
        At the end of Gilbert’s time in the Graphic Design Department at VCU, her and her peers designed and executed an exhibition called Open House, where they displayed their capstone projects completed over the course of their final semester. Gilbert was a co-leader in designing and managing the completion of the catalog for the exhibition.